40 coffee cup symbol gallery. Directly from my own collection. Short explanation of each symbol.
As you understand, coffee cup reading without knowing the meaning of a few symbols, at least, it doesn't say much.
There are symbols and signs that are obvious what they mean. Others are more complicated and you need practice, good observation and a "dictionary".
After receiving a lot of requests to reveal some of my symbols with their TRUE meaning, I decided to give to the public 40 of them. Since I already gave you the interpretation of 16 symbols in the previous page I completed the list up to 40.
As you understand, it's a time consuming process. The ones I picked here are very common in any cup. Just concentrate and you will see most of them somewhere.
If you are interested to investigate the subject further then you can check my complete professional 500 SYMBOL LIST.
It has extensive explanations and of course the different interpretations that are applicable to each symbol.
The 40 symbols sorted A to Z
Click any of them to go to the appropriate icon and its meaning.
4 Airplane Boot Cat Fish L Rabbit
7 Alien Bouquet Chair Gun M Seahorse
9 Angel Bow-tie Comet Heart Mountain Shoe
1: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
4: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
7: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
9: You will get an offer. (Engagement or Marriage). For people already married or in a relationship it means attending a wedding.
A: Initial of someone you know or an enemy. You will start something new, probably a job.
a: The same interpretation as above. There is no difference between uppercase and lowercase letters.
Airplane: Expect long journey soon or nice news from abroad. It also means job upgrade under certain circumstances.
Alien: You are a little bit "different" than the rest of your social environment. A person you don't know very well will have a huge positive impact on you.
Angel: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
Aries: Zodiac symbol which is directly related to symbol RAM. It shows a brave person who hates to be restricted.
Arrow: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
Bird: News or messages. White birds bring good news as oppose to black that carry bad news.
Boot: You will have a female guest at your house. Sudden change in your nearby environment.
Bouquet: One of the luckiest symbols in coffee cup reading. "Endless love". Appreciation of your work or talent.
Bow-tie: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
Bull: Stubborn person. It also shows someone who enters difficult situations without thinking about the danger seriously.
C: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
Cat: Warning symbol for false friendship (black cat = hatred, white cat = flattery).
Chair: A guest suddenly will appear at your home and you will take steps for entertainment.
Comet: An unusual and interesting event will occur in your life.
Crown: Luck and success in every part of your life. One of the GREATEST symbols in coffee cup reading.
Dog: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
Eye: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
Fish: Career achievement, money, happiness and health. Check size (small / big) and direction (up / down) to determine "how much".
Gun: A sudden change that is not for your benefit. You will have an argument or fight with a person from your friend environment.
Heart: Love and happiness. In case you haven’t got any relationship yet you will get one very soon.
Horse: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
J: One of the best symbols for LOVE. Unexpected love adventure will surprise you positively.
Key: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
L: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
M: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
Mountain: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
N: Rejection from people around you. You will discover new information about yourself / private life or business.
P: Energy and internal strength will guide you through the next period. You will access of balance at home and work.
R: Relief from something that recently bothered you a lot. It's time for resting in order to gain psychological strength.
Rabbit: You are a shy person who is willing to do things but somehow a drawback appears.
Seahorse: A protective male force is upon you or a female person will enter your life.
Shoe: A change for the better. Show prejudice on tips to make extreme changes though.
Swan: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.
T: Meaning at "COFFEE SYMBOLS" page.