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Coffee symbols in reality. How do they really look in a coffee cup? What is their interpretation?


Below you can check a few symbols the way they appear in some of my customers' cups. I also give you a SHORT explanation of the symbol.


As you can see some of them are clear and easy to identify. Some other times though you have to use your imagination.


Many symbols have more than one interpretation.


So, you should choose the one that is most appropriate. Relate them to the near-by ones and with the impression of the whole picture of the cup. 


Don't forget that all have their meaning, everything is connected and nothing appears by chance...


The FULL description of the symbols' meanings you can find it in my 500 SYMBOL LIST.


Extra meanings of symbols you can also find at my Gallery page.


Coffee symbols in a real cup.

Bow-tie: An event will occur which will make you very happy.

Angel: One of the greatest symbols, meaning health, luck, money, love… everything at best.

L: For you to success, you have to be more persistent about the thing you care in this period.

M: New opportunities in life that will happen unexpectedly.

1: Beginning of a new chapter in your life.

Coffee symbols in a real cup.

Horse: Expect great adventures, new friendship and money earnings soon.

4: You will have a discussion with a person that is very important to you.

Mountains: There are a few of them in this cup. They mean huge success in near future.

Coffee symbols in a real cup.

Swan: Great period is following, but because this one is black, you might have some obstacles.

Arrow: Love filled with harmony.

T: Try not to have too many prejudges.

Key: Success at something you’ve started before. It also means that you will win the heart of somebody.

7: Beginning of a new love affair.

Dog: Loyalty and friendship.

Eye: Someone wants to see you for a long time.

C: Great luck will follow you.

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